CASABLANCA scenes analysis

Rick's Cafe opening scene

For first intro look at Rick's Cafe Americain is used establishing shot on the outside of the bar which is veiled with dark colors and shadows, the only bright element is the title of the cafe bar which makes this place something like a light in the darkness and for escaping from the cruel reality. This whole look suggests how mysterious this place is. There is also used searching light which goes from right to left and shows this place and navigates us into the bar that is separated by double doors that might pose protection from the outside world. After that, we have a clear shot on the title of the bar to tell us where we are located and reveals name of the owner- Rick and his nationality- American. As the camera slowly moves with people to inside of the bar, the music in the background is changed from non-diegetic to diegetic. 

Image result for casablanca ricks bar
Inside the bar are used lots of mise-en-scene elements such as bright lighting, smoke, shinning, texture, and colors all suggesting this fascinating place. Cast in the bar is a mixture of locals which are dressed in formal uniforms and night dresses that highlight wealth of these people. Camera goes around the cafe and doesn't really stop, the journey is mostly from right to left, so there is used more of tracking camera or PAN than cutting, and also there are not many close ups. Shots are made on desperate and sad people in groups or pairs that want to go out of Casablanca. Cuts are made right after the most important parts of the conversation and shot is then changed to another one. By their conversations we get lots of information, these dialogues are created to inform the audience either about their situation in Casablanca or about Rick. There is also used invisible editing which is not noticeable by the audience and that is typical sigh of Classical Hollywood style. Cuts are long in which we can see people, with similar depressed mood, trying to sell their property for their freedom and escaping from Casablanca. From their position, mood, dark clothes, shadows is obvious that they are sad, and desperate and maybe also hide something. The way they sit, not even facing each other, represent not interest in others' problems. However, some people such as barman, waiter and singing Sam are funny and with good mood. When we look at the sound, in this scene is used in the background diegetic music of piano and singing, people talking is low and desperate with lots of accents.  

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It takes time to finally introduce Rick, people are talking about him and we are located in his bar but he was not still revealed to the audience which makes him even more mysterious character as the audience is wondering how he actually looks like and what is his personality. Camera also matches eyelines in the movie when some characters are talking. There is using framing for introducing Rick, camera captures only part of his body or important things around him which should tell us about his character. The bigger close up is on paper that Rick signatures and shows that Rick is someone important and confirms him as the owner of this place. When we finally see him as a whole, he is playing chess by himself which might suggest that he is rather alone and doesn't really care about the company. He looks bored and around him are cigarettes and alcohol which are things that people here normally do. In the background is heard piano accompanied with Sam's singing and talking of people with different accents.

Paris flashback

Paris flashback shows us how Rick was before and why and how he has changed. There is used a transition between presence and flashback to make it clear and sure. During the flashback is used non-diegetic sound in the background of romantic music to more tension/dramatic music. Paris is seen for Rick and Ilsa like a paradise where they have no problems. In the car scene are no shadows and darkness that could eventually suggest negative thoughts and emotions. Instead, there is the use of bright, warm, and romantic lighting, soft dresses, performance of Ilsa and Rick indicating love to each other by the way the look and sit close to each other. This lovely mood is made also by non-diegetic music in the background. In this scene, the type of shot is changed between medium shot and medium close-up shot as we see both of the characters in the scene and at the same time we see their emotions from their faces- love and happiness.
Related imageIn the scene where Ilsa tells Rick that her husband is dead, there are used similar elements however, there are more used shadows to make the atmosphere more sad. The use of framing and the way Rick and Ilsa touch, and look at each other maintain how close they are and suggests their attraction and love that we can't really see with Ilsa and Victor, they are not touching or kissing in the romantic way.
