TRAINSPOTTING themes & binary opposites

Trainspotting: Themes and binary opposites

Transpotting at the first sight looks like a movie mainly about heroine and its consequences but later the audience finds out that it's much more than that and can be seen from different perspectives of viewing. Here the themes occur which completes the ideology of the film that are for example family, drugs, friendship, betrayal, toxicity (masculinity), life, escape, ambiguity.
We can say that drugs is one of the main themes of the movie as the protagonist Renton and all other characters are addicted to heroine and we can see them using it quite often. Friendship of the characters develops throughout the movie as the summary expands and so characters and their point of views changes, at the beginning they are all together but as it continues we see some of the characters don't hold together and in the end they become more separated and Renton realises he doesn't want to be with them anymore. Escape in the movie can be seen from different perspectives because for example when Tommy starts to take heroine after his girlfriend breaks up with him he sees it as a way of escape from reality that is lonely and depressed for him because of his lost, however Renton tries to escape from heroine not by taking it and so wants to tie up with better life in a new city and job. Betrayal is highlighted when in the end Renton steals the money which were meant to be for him but also his friends and decides to leave them behind and live a better life without them.
Binary opposites in Trainspotting are heroine vs sex, heroine vs friendship, heroin vs family, past vs future, Begbie vs Spud, Iggy pop (rock) vs techno club music, heroine vs ecstasy, Leith vs London.
The opposites against heroine are the "normal" ones that they loose or are not heathy and right if they use heroine, the friendship is not that strong and real, family is not real and as in Trainspotting we see that sick boy's baby dies due to not taking enough care of it. Past and the future is presented in characters, Diane represents the future because she tells Renton to do something new however the boys are the past as they also takes Renton back to the past and back to Leith. Also Leith is the place where Renton took heroine and have his friends and family which is the past and London is the new place he moves in to start new life and gets new job so London is a future. Another themes for past and future is Iggy pop that they listened with Tommy and techno music from clubs in London, also the change from old heroine to new ecstasy is a binary opposites between past and future. In characters the biggest binary opposite is between Begbie and Spud. Begbie is aggressive, brutal, masculine and dominant and is able to stab or beat up anyone anytime even for nothing serious as we see when he plays the pool he beats up some man that looks at him for "putting him off his game" but as we then know from Tommy, it was because he couldn't handle that he looses and is bad in playing pool. On the other hand Spud is more calm, humble and dumb in some way as he just listens to others and goes along with them.Image result for trainspotting
