LA JETÉE -Chris Marker

La Jetée (Chris Marker)

La Jetée is a french short movie from 1962 and it's a science fiction. The sci-fi atmosphere creates mainly time travelling of humans, into the past and future. Also the post nuclear war, hiding in underground, the use of science equipment and the experiment as a whole connected with narrative follows the genre of sci-fi.

La Jetée (1963) | The Criterion CollectionFilm form- there is not lot of things to be told about the film form as the movie is made as a photo-montage of still photos following each other in order to the narrator's voice. The movie is also black and white colours and as I already mentioned there is only narrator's voice heard throughout the movie.

Narrative of the story begins with its ending but in the end we understand things that were vague at the beginning. The conflict is the nuclear war and scientists hiding underground decide to make experiments on prisoners with an aim to fix present situation by putting them to the past and future. When they find a perfect candidate which is the man the story is about since beginning he is sent firstly to the past and then to the future. Distruption occurs when he finds out that he is supposed to be executed, the resolution for this might be when he decides to escape to the past instead of the future, he appears on the same place as at the beginning which was his memory. One of the jailers follows him there and kills him which makes resolution to the beginning as well because he had a strong memory of this situation and seeing a man getting killed- he is the man getting killed and the strong memory was of his own death.
