Captain Fantastic opening and ending scene analysis

The scene starts with long establishing shot on an empty landscape with no location, no people, no music only with diegetic background sounds of the nature-water, birds. The forest looks very beautiful, peaceful, and light. The masculinity introduction starts straight away, scary and violent, as in the scene we see a man killing a deer. The audience doesn't feel sympathy with characters so there is no allegiance with anyone. When the scene reveals more people and costumes, the main focus is still on Bo (the boy who killed the deer) so the audience is in alignment with him. We are given a nice framing of Bo and Ben having a talk about Bo becoming man from boy by killing an animal. As we see Bo's ambiguous feelings we are still in alignment with his character because we might have a similar feeling. The title Captain Fantastic is showed when the shot is on Ben which informs the audience about who the "Captain Fantastic" is and who is probably the main character (protagonist).
The next shot is a montage of their life style. It gives the audience a better point of view by showing their domestic environment, them smiling, being happy, and cleaned. The film slowly has to ear audience's allegiance, because the beginning didn't. This montage of their life style is presented in a positive way by the use of sound- relatively melodic music, colour- bright clothes and food, and mainly lighting- warm and bright.
Firstly we farewell with Bo at the airport where as same as in the opening scene he has a man talk with his father Ben. It can be compared to the opening scene because Bo is becoming a man is some way and Ben gives him advice about life. They are again both framed however unlike violent and rebellion beginning they are at a civilised place and normally clothed. Ben has shaved his beard and Bo his hair which might suggest civilising and stepping into normal society.
In the last scene is shown their new life and home. Film form techniques are used in a good positive way such as warm lighting, domestic setting, colourful optimistic colours, no killing, and violence. Also the kids visit a school now and by showing the bus, which now serves as a chicken coop, is clear that they are settled and not going anywhere. The last shot represents a happy ending as they are all together around the table and in a position where it's the best possible solution for everyone. A bit of ambiguity is when Ben looks through the window and sighs, it might suggest only reflexion or that Ben wants to live the life he did before or maybe only that he is satisfied with the ending and that he made it.?

The scene starts with long establishing shot on an empty landscape with no location, no people, no music only with diegetic background sounds of the nature-water, birds. The forest looks very beautiful, peaceful, and light. The masculinity introduction starts straight away, scary and violent, as in the scene we see a man killing a deer. The audience doesn't feel sympathy with characters so there is no allegiance with anyone. When the scene reveals more people and costumes, the main focus is still on Bo (the boy who killed the deer) so the audience is in alignment with him. We are given a nice framing of Bo and Ben having a talk about Bo becoming man from boy by killing an animal. As we see Bo's ambiguous feelings we are still in alignment with his character because we might have a similar feeling. The title Captain Fantastic is showed when the shot is on Ben which informs the audience about who the "Captain Fantastic" is and who is probably the main character (protagonist).
The next shot is a montage of their life style. It gives the audience a better point of view by showing their domestic environment, them smiling, being happy, and cleaned. The film slowly has to ear audience's allegiance, because the beginning didn't. This montage of their life style is presented in a positive way by the use of sound- relatively melodic music, colour- bright clothes and food, and mainly lighting- warm and bright.
Firstly we farewell with Bo at the airport where as same as in the opening scene he has a man talk with his father Ben. It can be compared to the opening scene because Bo is becoming a man is some way and Ben gives him advice about life. They are again both framed however unlike violent and rebellion beginning they are at a civilised place and normally clothed. Ben has shaved his beard and Bo his hair which might suggest civilising and stepping into normal society.

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